Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just say Yes

So last Wednesday I have had the privileged to do a mime for church again. This time I was alone in doing it:). It went absolutely the way it was suppose to.

I feel that the message that God has been sending us, meaning Christians, is to just say Yes. Say yes and do what needs to be done. Quit picking and choosing what we want to do and do want no one else wants to do.

Whether its serving in the nursery on a special night, For example Eddie James is in town and no one wants to watch the babies. Rightfully understood, but there are 4 services to get in on.

Or no one wants to watch the 2 years olds, or wants to clean the church, or wants to park and ride a shuttle.

I am talking about doing whats no one wants to do. Do it with a passion. Jesus washed some pretty nasty feet in a time where they wore sandles and the roads were paved and they probably stepped in some pretty nasty stuff. They prob stank really bad as well, eww yuck!

The Harvest is PLENTY but the LABORORS are few. That means where are the workers. The harvestees get harvested and dont become producers. They dont continue the process. churches cant function with only a few willing workers. They need plenty.

Think of the reward you will have not of this earth by watching the child of a family that gets saved or renews their lives to God. Wow that is an honor. Also people go where their child like it. If you dont have workers to minister to the children they children dont want to be there then the parents more than likely wont come.

After being blessed by Eddie James and his crew and really praying about the church growing. Well I feel like we cant continue to grow and no one starts to step up and help. Its called take a little of your personal time and giving it to God.

He requires us to give of our time, money, and talents.

That is something that I have really been dealing with it to give of my time, money, and my talents for the sake of his name and furthring his Kingdom.

The need for labors and workers is so great that we maybe leaving some of the harvest forgotten and not harvested. They are so ready to picked. We need to serve so others can have the same experiences as we have had. So we can bring more into the kingdom. God sees the work that we do and nothing else matters expect that he sees and the rewards are not of this earth:)

So if you are serving and are getting discouraged and fustrated cause it seems your the only one. Look up because he is with you and sees you and you are blessed:)

Now that dosent mean you got to volunteer every service either. Just do something because it is better than nothing:)

Anyways I like to share what I deal with and what I go through, I feel like the dishes are going to be there when you get back so if you got to leave a little early and leave then do it. They cant thank you for cleaning. God is not going to punish you for giving up a little time to go early and serve.

Ok thats it for now. God Bless:)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Time and Rining in the New Year

This Christmas season has been one that I m sure Dominic will remember, it was his first one adjusting to having his baby brother get presents too, so he was sharing the presents in a sense. He is at the age that he just likes to rip into presents and loves doing it. he is so Cute and I love him for that. Ryder's first christmas was good he was a little sick and still has a runny nose, poor little guy. he still has no clue. But christmas was a little harder this year and Mike had a new job which he is really stressed over and works a lot more than before. I know that it was a step that God wanted us to take but now that were here were like why are we, but we have to remember to trust in God and that he will lead us.

Now its new years day and my house is still quiet. we stayed home and spent the night together as a family and it was really nice, except dominic my 4 year old didnt understand the concept of saying Happy New years because it was still dark outside and that kinda freaked him out because he was so tired. Then he woke up this morning and was like ok now we can say it cause it is day. He is so cute. I know that the New year will bring in new things for us, and now we can expect better things.

Happy New Year, yeah its 2009 man I am getting old:(