Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Spectators Finish

Today was an emotional day. It was great weather for viewing the Mini and full Kentucky derby Marathon races. I have to give a big shout out to all those who participated, you all did awesome!! Maybe NVMC should see about doing a water stop next year. I realized today how we all need each others support. So here goes some of my view from the side line.

I got there so early to start off and picked a good spot, to only later realize that it didnt matter where I sat people would still manage to stand right in front of me and in my way. Oh well, thats life in a nut shell.

So back to the race. I got to see many different types of runners and people and it was amazing to see people with tremendous stories. There was a man leading a you blind boy to the finish, there were the wheel chair racers, which I have to say inspired me because the strength that it takes to get past the fact you cant walk or run but you can wheel your way to the finish is amazing. The strength of heart and the strength of the upper body amazed me.

I love observing people and their reactions to certain situations in life. As I was intently looking at the runners rounding the corner to the finish line I noticed all different types of reactions. There were those who so victory and achievement, some saw defeat, some were delirious, some unaware of their success, some just glad to be living. 12,000 runners and walkers coming across the finish line to their destiny. You see I have came to the conclusion that its not about how you arrive at the finish. But it's that you Arrive! You see many people sign up for the mini in hopes to finish the race. They have goos intention and are motivated at first. Then life gets in the way and for what ever circumstances they dont get to the finish. So you see the victory they reward is that you finish the race. You cross that finish line. Whether your blind, in a wheel chair, sick, healthy, old, young, etc Its that you finish.

Which brings me to some significant moments of that day that I will never forget. As I waited for my husband to round the corner I was absolutely worried. The day was a beautiful day but it was not ideal for long distance running because of the sun. So I was concerned. As I cheered for the full marathoners comming in and realizing that not just my family needs to be cheered for but for those fellow marathoners. We all need a little cheering on from time to time to not give up before we reach the finish.

After waiting for what seems like forever. In the distance I finally saw michael. I know his running stride and I could see that he was in pain. I know that he will never admitt that he was but what he didnt realize was he was almost there to the finish line. As we made eye contact I cannot explain the emotional realse of relief that I felt in seeing him because my worry was over but also seeing him in pain and knowing he needed me to help him along the way. We walked to gether for a bit and I grabbed his hand and I gave him the encouragement that I could and gave him a pat on his back and he started to the finish, I knew that took all his strenght. Mike has been taking the training easy so he was not as prepared but he wanted to finish.

He ran the marathon a couple of years ago and finished in good time, but this time was different even though he didnt finish with a better time, the fact was the he finished. I think that we sometime take for granted how many people dont have the strenght or the encouragement that could have propelled them to the finish. We must encourage our loved ones and others to finish the race. Finish the fight for their lives, finish was God is starting in them. What would this world be like if we were able to help and encourage each other in our goals and the races of life.

I am proud of Mike and though I will never understand the physical pain he felt running, I know that I can take pride in knowing that I was there to cheer him on and to see him finish!!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

It Blows my mind.

So some updates on me, well??? My new job seems to be going good so far. I hope it continues that way:)

Its been hard leaving my little ones, but I know that there was a time for a change so I could get a break.

Today in church was great, I helped out some in the nursery and then I was on the balcony watching the worship in the 11 am service and it was amazing. I got see people praising and being touched by God. One thing in particular I saw was a boy that I think has down syndrome. He was praising God with everything that he had. To say the least it touched me deeply to see him worship God with all his heart. I could see that is what he was doing. I love to see people just praise God and not care what others think about them. Wow it blows my mind.

Not matter what seek God to know him personally and then you will see the need to worship with everything that you got. You will see that you will want to worship and praise him just because of who he is:)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This is amazing:) I got a JOB!!!

Alright now this is an interesting story. So at church we have been talking about abundance at church and tithing. Well I am not sure if all that these series of events that have happened have anything to do with each other but here it goes.

Well to start off with we were tithing on the 10% of mikes new job he got several months ago, well his insurance kicked in and we were getting less take home pay which would me less money for tithes but I felt I was suppose to keep the same tithe amount and not give less to the church. I struggled with this because I was starting to give in to the woes of the economy because I have been looking for a job with no luck what so ever. I was getting a little frustrated but I felt that we should tithe on what we were making before the insurance came out. So we did. I kept saying ok where is my increase I am doing the right thing now; Hello are you up there? Do you notice?

Well one thing I had to do was renew my mind and take a step back and say ok I cant control what is going on and I leave it in your hands. You hand pick me a job. So I wasn't as stressed looking and applied and was rejectioned several times, One after another.

The first sign of relief was I got a booked wedding for April. Paid in full. Awesome right on time.

But the rejections were still comming, so I was back to square one. Then I got a call for an interview and was socked to just get an interview. So it went great and I was really confindent about the job and felt that that was the place I should be. But I didnt get a call back.

Well I got more rejections and more rejections. Then out of no where I got a call for a lady wanting to book and wedding for July. Amazed once again. Right when I need a boost of faith something little happend and I was assured that God gives you want you need at the right time.

Then the call came and I got a second interview for the job I really felt good about. I was exicted and nervous but after meeting the HR and talked a few minuites with this lady who I just meat like maybe 5 minutes she said that I was to meet one more person and then they would let me know next week. I remember thinking great if they let you walk out then you prob didnt get it. But after I talked with another lady we were walking out of the office and we shut off the light and the HR lady came and turned it back on and she said lets talk a little bit more. She told me that the ladies I would be working with closely begged the hired me. Whattttt, who does that?? Then she go on to say that the office manager REALLY liked me and only had good things to say about me. WHAT, I began to think how could I have made such an impression on these people. I send a thank you for the interview email but misspelled a word. I was plain and honest about who I was. So how in the world or why in the world who they remember me? ?? Was it the red hair I cant find the right color I want??? What is it??? Then a Light bulb came on and I realized it was the FOG (Favor of God) The reason they wanted me to work with them so bad is much more deeper than they realize. They dont know that what I carry with me is life changing. He will be with me at work, at home, and where ever I go. They know there was something different about me:0) I am so exicted and praise his name for all he is going to do in the lives of people at church. Follow his leading in what you tithe, in where you serve, in anything you do follow where he leads, because it can only lead to good things. Blesseings when you need them not when you want them:)

That is all for now God is totally awesome and Walk in the FOG, let your shadow be annointed so much that it leaves the frangrance of God behind:0)