Thursday, June 24, 2010

I am a branch in the tree of life, Question is am I a dying one or a living one?

Where u lead I will Follow!

This morning I woke and decided to venture out by my self.  I usually hate being alone but today I was all by myself. So I decided to go to Bernheim Forest.  I needed to clear my head and to sit in the peace of nature and just relax my mind and soul.  I also wanted some time to be able to take some picts a secret passion I have, that has been dormant because of the busyness of life.  Here are some of the picts I took today that give u an idea of why I took them and what I see spiritually.

The pict to the right is one I like to call where you lead I will follow.  As the path gets out of view and the tree blocks the future I feel God is saying just take one step at a time and I will lead you.  Sometimes we tend to forget that we cant control anyone or thing but our selves and actions.  So today for me God was saying I will lead so start following.

As I walked around this morning I focused on the nature of God's creation.  The beauty and Majesty of the world in which we live.  The world that he plays so much a part in creating.  We tend to forget the creativity, majesty, and how much he cared about the details that we over them.  If he cared about helping a flower by creating pollen so that flowers would still grow despite our circumstances. WOW.  How beautiful the creator is!!  Yes, my favorite flower is the Dazy.  Dazys scream flower children from the 60's and 70's.  But I see the simplexity of it.  Its white pedals which to me represents the purity of life that God brings and the yellow center symbolizes how alive God is and the vitality that he brings to the earth.  He wants us to live with a center that is full of life.
Then I pan out and see the whole picture of dazies together and I cant help but to feel that God created groups of flowers flowing from one plant for a reason.  To show strength in numbers, to show how important each flower it to the bush.  Some flowers had broken pedals, others were clean and spotless, some were smaller, some were larger,  They were all different but grew from one plant base.  Wow to the concept of this Type of thinking.  When we pan out and see the bigger picture.  We see we are not alone.  We are among many others and God created us to work together to flow as one in unity with one purpose.  To glorify his name and to show others his wonderful works.

This picture screams peace to me.  Kentucky peace.  This is a place I just want to take my shoes of and enjoy the soft grass and enjoy the sound of the tree swaying back and forth.  Awesome and good for the troubled soul.  When u find your in a place of unrest and confusion get to a place of silence and he will speak.

This picture is of the statue in the far back which is names "Let there be light"  its looks a little weird but it was designed to be a place that Christians can go to have a place of silence and to here God.  Wow didnt know that till I was there and read about it and the purpose of bernheim.  When I sat at the top and just listened this is what I feel like God wanted to say.  "It was me who made the world, it was me who created the very ground you walk on, it was me who formed the clouds, it was me who made the sea, it was me who formed the mountains.  I am the one who spoke you into existence.  It was me who made all living things to work together to become part of something much bigger, much greater than anyone can ever imagine.  IT WAS ME!!!!!!!.  I am after you I made I know you.  I guide you and I direct you and I can see what you cant see.  I know what you dont know.  Im am the one who formed you in your mothers womb.  It was ME!!!!"

Then I looked out and this is a picture that i took and I feel it was one way to assure me that he sees the bigger picture and its amazing.

God is amazing and everything that he has created is a wondrous site.  I can see my self dancing before him in the grass with flags, banners, instruments, and I could go on.  Wow what a wonderful savior that would created such a beautiful place just for me and because someone listened to his voice and made this area a holy place, it blessed me this morning.

One more pict.  This one was of a tree of course duhhh.  but the reason I took this picture is to remind myself the he is vine, he is the main part of the tree and we are his branches.  We are to be an Extension of him.  We must be able to show others that we are Christ like because we are connected to the main line.

That means in words we speak, things we listen to, and the actions we take when the tough gets going.  We are accountable for every word we speak.  We like to use this when we are in tough situations to blast our enemy.  But if we read closer in the word it states for us NOT to delight when our enemy falls because the lord will have mercy on them.  So we must make sure that our hearts are clean from bitterness, anger, unforgivness, and any unclean thing,  the hardest things about our selves that we want to push away and hide. If we harbor those things this will make us die, like a branch that is no longer connected to the tree it falls and shrivels and dies because it has been cut off from the life source.  Those are the very things that when we need to give to God so we can truly walk in the freedom he has called us to walk in.  Not matter our position, calling, or whatever.  God has called us to live a life of Christ like behavior and To be accountable for everything we say, think, act, do or criticize.  We must make our hearts open to him and let go and let God be the victor and not the devil. Open your heart today and ask God what it is that is hindering your walk, what is getting in your way.  You might be surprised and what the answer will be.  Open the eyes of my heart that I might see you, lord.  Say that today right now.  Dont be afraid to show him what is deep inside and he will help you heal, make right, and cleanse the depths of your heart.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Point of View~ Who's are you looking through?

I have pondered, prayed, and listen to what to write in my next blog. For the last several weeks, months, and years I have been in a waiting period which I am still in. I feel like I have been silenced by God for the Restoration time.

Sometimes we can get caught up in doing good, speaking the truth, trying to help situations but in looking at a bigger scale of things we are indeed making them worse. I feel that God will bring to light the truth and we don't even have to do anything. Sometimes things happened to open the eyes of others. You can look at this in many ways. 1 view is too look from the outside looking in. I have heard from many outside parties stating wow Christians have a hard time forgiving and loving each other when it gets tough. Thats 1 reason I have heard from people not wanting to attend churches is because Christians bring an extra added Drama to the scene and many hurts occur in churches.

The apostles didnt follow each other for the very reason they couldnt get along with each other, thus the reason for so many different denominations. We all act on our own feelings and not what is on the heart of God. The real church lies with in each of us. The real church begins in our hearts. When are hearts are aligned with his then the body is in alignment as a whole. When we take our own self serving agendas out of things then we can truly walk in love and in the steps of the father. But that means we have to give total control to his will and to his way.

I have been a Christian since I was 6 at which time I was also filled with the Holy Spirit, so for 22 yrs I have sought after him. There were times I have sinned and screwed up royalty, there were times my pursuit was stronger and then there were times where I just existed. I have seen a lot from a very young age about churches. I have visited many types of denominations and have felt God in many of those different opinionated churches. One thing I have learned is that God exist despite what we do wrong. Things might not go as well but he still has his way.

Lately I have been really sad because its as if a very good thing has died. I am sad because of something that I held dear to me, something I spent almost everyday helping is gone. I look at what is no more and I stand in the spiritual rubble and look out at what is past all the hurts and pain and I see that God is calling us to a higher state of awareness of him. He dosent share his glory with any one. he wants our souls soo bad that he willing to let our fortress crumble to get our attention on him. He is willing to take everything we hold dear away from us so we can see our hearts and we can cleanse the very depths of our souls for the purpose, For a greater purpose. Something bigger is happening, its bigger than me, its bigger than you, its bigger than everyone, God is rising up for a battle that will belong to him, He is tired of all the little things we let get our focus off on him. He is tired of our ranting and ravings and he is saying LOOK TO ME, DOnt you know my Grace is sufficient for you. DOnt you Know MY LOVE for you is greater than your pain and HURTS. DOnt you know that I LOVE YOU. I DIED FOR YOU. NOTHING CAN TAKE THAT AWAY. MY PEOPLE see that I love you and that I will only have you. Nothing is BETTER THAN ME, NOTHING IS BIGGER THAN ME. Come and sit here at my table and dine with me. I love you and I am your Friend, Father, and anything you need.

WOW so with that said no one will take my joy, peace, and love for others. No one will steal what Only God can give me. Make the Temple(church) you and go and follow the steps he has layed out for you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore,Restore, Restore....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Are you willing to be a Nathan?

In doing some reading today I came across these passages in my bible. I have the John C Maxwell leadership bible so it has a lot of great little things about leaders in the bible and how to learn from the mistakes or the good things they did.

Anyways I love reading about Kind David. He seems to be a very diverse man and yet he is a man after God own heart. You see his constant bid with wanting to do the right thing and not always succeeding.

You read how God anointed him and chose him and he was the youngest and scroniest of the choices, but God chose him. It shows how God lead him to Kind Saul by playing a harp for him when he was troubles by a distressing Spirit of the Lord(1 Sam 16:7) yes it says a spirit of the Lord. but when he played his harp David was already annointed and God was with him so it soothed King Saul and the spirit would depart.

Then you see the relationship with Jonathan the kings son and David, they were the best of friends but in time they were torn apart due to the Envy and bitterness the King Saul had for David. You see that David would never dishonor King Saul because he was once the Lords anointed. In a sense he waited for the Lord to handle Kind Saul and didn't take his life. That is honor and trust in the Lord to be able to let the Lord take the reigns and handle it. Too often we do the opposite and kill what the Lord has put in place then things tend to get more of a mess than we can ever imagine.

You see several times how David did things that were very displeasing to the Lord but he also sought the Lord, Danced for the Lord, Worship the Lord with all his might.

After the killing of Urian Bathshebas husband the Lord came to Nathan One who was in the King David inner circle to speak the Truth to David. David listened and knew that the Lord was displeased. It says in 2 Sam 12:13 The lord put away Davids sins, but brought consequences to his house. We will always have to pay for the choices we make not matter what they are. One sin is really no different than another except that some hurt worse and affect more people than other sins do.

There is a blirb that says what it takes to survive a major failure:

1 An open and transparent heart
(it's easier to tolerate mistakes admitted than mistakes denied.)

2 A spirit of forgiveness toward followers
(A follower you treat with charity is more prone to forgive you when you are caught failing.)

3 A responsible attitude
(A leader who owns up to his or her behavior will last longer and fare better.)

4 The ability to change
(leaders must demonstrate they are humble and teachable and willing to grow or change.)

5 A hunger to grow and stretch
(followers will stay with a leader in process if he or she is moving in the right direction.)

When Nathan confronted David in 2 Samuel 12:1-15 he was speaking the truth in love. Its what David needed to be able to accept what he had done and to be able to move forward and not look back. Every one needs a person Like Nathan who listens to the Lord and will let you know the hardest things that you need right when you need to heard it.

Pray and hope that we become people who are after God's heart and desire him whole heartedly.

Are we willing to stick up for our friends that we are willing to deliver messages that are hard but are in love. Its a hard calling to be a Nathan, More than likely you will be deemed as a trouble maker, or hated for the moment but when it counts Nathans are the ones who stick like Glue when you need them the most. Hope this encourages some one today. I know that I need this on a daily basis to know that when I fall God Is encouraging me to get back up again.

Monday, June 7, 2010


So many questions run through my mind. My mind is complex and is always thinking sorting and trying to figure out solutions. I love to make things right or to try and fix things. Being in the place of holding and silence I have come to realize that there are many different types of people in the world. God has made us all for specific purposes.

Some of us our teachers, preachers, evangelist, homemakers, peacemakers, justice advocates, intercessors,musicians, worshipers, and the list goes on and on.

When we are on the right path there will be temptations, struggles, wrong doing, hurtful accusations, and many trials and tribulations. When we choose to follow Christ a big target has been placed on our back by the devil. We are branded as Jesus Freaks. So we are more likely to face more adversity as Christians because we are now a threat to the darkness.

We must get back up again and we must pick back up the pieces because givening up is giving in to the plans of the enemy. I am speaking spiritually because they are life situations that you have to revert back the Keep and defend what you do have inorder not to loose it.

In my opionion honor is a big deal. Fighting for a cause and being brave despite the monsters and walls that are infront of you. Being not afraid to slay your enemy even you feel like its not your job.

We are all called to be warriors in our faith, To stand strong, But on the whole aromor of Christ and ride in honor for the sake of leading others to Christ. People are valuable and I want to be the one that does everything I can to help them. No matter what they look like, what they are, what they smell like, etc. It makes me mad when we as Christians worship the name of the Lord then go and make fun of others. Yes it may be all in fun, but what does the Lord see? Does he like it when you make fun of the very creation that he Created. When u make fun of the creation you make fun of the creator.

We are all called and all have very different duties. Dont give up thinking what your doing is not working, he has called you so its for a purpose. He needs you to stick like glue so that when it counts your faith never waivers.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ride out to face your enemy and stare death in the eye,

Have you encountered a situation that makes all other things just seem not important. I have had many of those occasions lately. This is what I feel is happening and what God is saying.

In the Last days there will be wars and rumor of wars but stand stead fast and strong and put on Christ and Know that the battle is yours. Just when you think that all hope is lost. Ride out and meet your enemy face to face. Stare death in the eye and then look to the North and know that when the Lord steps in all the enemy will flee and fear the awesomeness of the Lord and his army of Hosts.

Dont waiver in your faith, snap back into reality and know that you know that the Lord will defend your honor. The Lord will defeat the enemy just when you need him to. This will be a testimony to your faith and to others about the power and strength that lies in the Lord. To God Be the Glory when the battle is won and over because its through him that we win the fight.

Dont give up, He will come just in the nick of time and all hope wont be lost.