Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Only seen by the father!

I truly don't understand a lot of things.  For example why people are so just unaware of how the things they say, tweet, write, email, blab, etc can really hurt or destroy someones passion.

Don't we realize that half of the things we say think or speak really doesn't matter.  I mean come on its a fact that people retain more of what the see than hear.  So in knowing that the negative almost always out weighs the positive then that means the negative things we say, will be the very things that are remembered.  Wow that is really scary to think about.

I am being lead back to a place where listening to the things of this world is way too much to bear.  We have got to get to a place where we can stand on our own 2 feet and Listen to what God (Not Man) is telling us to do.  Notice I said LISTEN and NOT Speak.

Now what God wants and what we want are most of the time 2 totally different things.  (Usually that is how it is with me).  I am not the best mime, singer, dancer, mother, wife, etc etc but I want to be what God is telling me to be.  I only need to listen to his voice and tune everything else out.  I need to have tunnel vision for Jesus and THAT IS IT.  People will lead you in the wrong direction, but God will always steer you in the right direction.  This is a season where we have to stand a say no matter what anyone else says, I will do what God is telling me to do.  I cant not wait any longer, I cannot linger any longer I must take that step of no going back and enlarge my box so it can be filled even more.  Enlarge our territories, expand our borders and boundaries.  We are only bound by our own chains, we put them on our selves.  Let us break the chains off our selves and step into a new place, a higher place, a more wonderful place.

I realize that I am called to be in the back, never to be seen, always hidden, this has been said many times, (something I already knew, of course) I fight this so much because I am human:)  God is calling me higher, he is calling me above what I am now.  He is calling me to serve, worship, adore, and praise his name, not matter how silly, ridiculous it seems that is what I am suppose to do.

He is the one who gave me life, he created my soul, he died for me.  I may not have this big testimony, done all these great things, but I know that he died for me!! The girl that is called to sit in the corner, never to be seen but by only the father. I am only his, his precious gift, his special prize. That is me.

I don't say that looking for pity, but I say it in encouragement that God calls us to certain places because he knows what is going to expand our horizons, he doesn't want you to always stay in the same place or situation, he wants you to grow with him while you are following his will for your life.

I know how to follow and I know how to lead, but that dosent mean I will always be a leader or a follower, There is a time a season for everything and what u choose to listen to, follow is ultimatley up to you.  But Just know that God is there waiting for you to say Ok Im here and my ears are open to listen!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Please land your plane!

In the depths of my mind this is what I have found and this is what I am sure needs to be said even if I am not heard. 

"O, people of this world, do u not see that I am here with you, do you not see that I am for you, do you not see that I am right here.  Stop running around to and fro looking for me, I am right here.  You can have me, all of me.  Do you not see me.  I am waving you in and you fly right by me.  Why do you not see me?  I want you to land your plane and let me take hold of what I have planned for you.  You are so precious and you are everything I want.  Please know I am here and I am waiting for you to come to me. Please see me, I am desperate for you to see me.  Please understand that I see the future of the path of self destruction you are taking and I can also see the future of the marvelous path I have for you. Please choose to see me, I will wait for you, I will stand, jump, and shout till I get your attention. I am here."

It just seems today that we are living in a world that continues to ignore God.  He is right there for us and we just run here to here this preacher or that one.  Or to get a word here or there.  But we have the main line to God.  We dont need someone to tell us anything that arnt already in us just waiting for confirmations.  We dont understand that we can revivals in our own living rooms if we would just press in and seek his face.  Yes getting together and having those special times are great but knowing that we have him all the time.  We take control and need to stand firm in our faith and know that we have the choice whether to walk in his presence or walk alone.  Its our choice.  He dosent hide in a closet or in a specific church building he lives if you TRULY let him, he LIVES in us.  Quite searching for God and take a moment to stop and say, you are right here in front of me God I see you you are here.  

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So here is goes and watch out!!!

This is going to be one short blog!!!

What you do on this Earth right now,  will it ring through out eternity or will it just fade away???

The choices u make matter, they matter!!!  God is watching you and he sees what you put before him in your alone time.  He sees your heart and he knows your every thoughts.

What do your secret thoughts say about you?  What does that deepest most hidden part of your heart say about you? 

Are you willing to stand with God and not deny him when things don't go the way U think they should? 

Lets stop putting our thoughts into things and let God put his thoughts into them, and see where he will take you!!!!!

Start truly living and stop being a robot to the world.  Be different set apart in your thoughts for this is his desire is that you stand firm and ride on the wings of his eagles.!!!