Monday, August 30, 2010

In his arms..

It funny(ironically) how life can hit you all at once, everything that can go wrong does and then some. 
In the process called life and what it brings I am always learning new things.  Friendships and what the value of that is and what it really means.  What is my passion in life and how much I miss it.  Stress, how much I just desire peace and long for a time of peace.  everything happens for a reason or because of decisions.  One thing I have watched and learned is that we must all be daily reading the word and praying with Jesus.  When you dont constantly stay in tune with Jesus you start to wonder off in all directions or you dont make the right direction choices. 

I have been pondering lots of things lately and about life can really distract us for what we are designed to do.  We are designed to be companions to the one who created us.  He was kind enough of to create us with our own will and ambtions in hopes of taking a chance on us that we would ultimately choose him rather than everything around us. 

The Author Of Life created us knowing there was a chance we would do our own things and listen to the snake in the tree.  He took that chance and we humans failed him, did he give up on us.  No he let us figure things out on own that we would desire him back.  As a punishment to adam and Eve he sent them out of the garden as a way of saying you didnt trust me that I would take care of you so now you will learn what trust means and what believing in me means.  Wow that is an awesome thought.

Also when Jesus was going through the greatest struggle of all times with his flesh verses what he knew he must do.  Judas was always around standing in the side lines awaiting for his role to be fulfilled.  Jesus knew Judas was going to betray him he knew that!!! But yet he still loved Judas and still kept him around.  Maybe it was to fulfill destiny but I also like to think that Jesus would have forgave him.  Jesus was still going to the cross regardless of Judas.  Why didnt Judas come back to Jesus in repentance?  I often wonder if it was the wispering amoung his fellow brothers the disciples that could have caused him to be soooo ashamed that Judas already being a weak mind couldnt recover and ultimately choose death.  Wow what a sad sad thought.  We never know the lives that we can change for the good or bad when we make decisions or when we choose to wisper or when we choose to live a life outside of relationship with Jesus.  If we truly are living in truth of Jesus and we are truly fulfilling God's will the struggle wont be as hard as we make it out to be.  We can find peace where there seems to be none.  If we are willing to just sit in the arms of Jesus and rest a while and open every deep dark place in our hearts and truly give it to God never to pick it up again.  How free could we be.  How forgiving could we be.  What mountains could that move. 

People are always going to be people.  Lets face it that is what life is about.  But Jesus stood in that gap for all of us to be able to really open our hearts and truly serve him in everything we do.  If it dosent glorfy him then maybe we should rethink what is about to be said or done. 

Decisions are never easy but making them while having a relationship with Jesus makes it a lot more peaceful and right.  Decisions may not be popular with friends or family but also long as they are with God then nothing else matters.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sterotypers Sterotype

Today I went to take a test for a company.  Well one of the questions was something like this do you believe when some one has been put into a sterotype that it is true?  True of False answers.

I answered No.  But when I came home and sitting in the quiet of the evening this quesiton became so real to me.  We as Christians and humans classify people, we sterotype people every day and dont even realize that we are cutting people off or not givening them as change to be some other than the sterotype we put on them.  Ouch I need a band aid for that one.

How many times have we said something or believed something about someone and then in fact was the opposite.  We also look at past mistakes and classify people that way too.  All the while hiding our own sins and mistakes. 

A Stero type are belifes that a person is a certain way based on assumptions. 

Why do we not go and find the truth about someone for our selves, why dont we take the time to see what someone is really like, what they are going through, and to look deep in their soul and see valuable beautiful beings that God has created in his image.  We all have been created like him so in turn we reflect a part of him.  So when we stero type someone and classify them by their sins, or by the way they look, or by whatever it is saying that God dosent know what he is doing, and that we dont trust him.

Too often we try to take matters in our own hands and punish or give up on someone because we feel the need to sever relationships.  But did Jesus ever sever his relationship with us just because things Got bad, ulgy, nasty and dirty?  Just a thought.

He may back off and let us kick and scream to have it our way but then bam he is right there to pick us up.  Im sooo tired of Judgment throughing people.  The fact is we are sterotyping and handing out judgments and turning people off to Jesus. 

My prayer is that I really dont want to be a sterotyper.  I dont want to cut someone off because I feel uncomfortable or non confrontational.

Lord help me to serve others like I am serving you.  help me to see in to there heart and be able to help them by your grace, mercy and everlasting love.  Your love oh Lord is higher than the mountains and your love is deeper than the seas.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drift wood

Bear with me as I tend to think of things in detail and depth. I like to shed new light on things.

Drift wood is wood that is from a natural disaster or a breaking up of or something such as a flood hurricane, etc. 

When something happens in a persons life.  No matter what it is can have devastaing effects on those that person.  One issue with someone might not be as big of a deal as some other occuance in another persons life, if that make sense.  So no matter the cause of the breaking or shattering it hurts nonetheless.

Sometimes people are strayed about as if they are drift wood in the river of God.  These are people that are just drifting because their lives have been shattered by one reason or another.  They have suffered great mishaps or things very important to them have crumbled.  So their lives have been broken apart into pieces in the river and they are just floating not knowing where they will end up, but at this point they are not fighting the current but they are now flowing with it to see where it takes them.  I know this can be seen as something dark and like depression but if you look at it with different view point you can see that sometimes all we can do is just flow in him or his presence and be willing to stop fighting where he is taking us. 

There is a reason for everything I like to say, no matter what happens in life all things work together for those who love God.  He will redirect us and repostion us to places we could never imagine.

As a piece of drift wood lands on the shore of a new place and new sand it begins to realize that this new place isnt so bad and that the coca nut tress are really pretty.  Then it begins to dry in the sun and suddenly it is wisked away.  The drift wood not realizing that in due time has been created into a beautiful piece of Art by a greatly skilled carpenter.  The carpenter has given the drift wood a new life and now has more meaning and a brighter future that ever before.

Re purposed and repositioned drift wood is what I long for.  Re purposed handcrafted by the greatest author of Life.