Thursday, October 1, 2009

So here is goes and watch out!!!

This is going to be one short blog!!!

What you do on this Earth right now,  will it ring through out eternity or will it just fade away???

The choices u make matter, they matter!!!  God is watching you and he sees what you put before him in your alone time.  He sees your heart and he knows your every thoughts.

What do your secret thoughts say about you?  What does that deepest most hidden part of your heart say about you? 

Are you willing to stand with God and not deny him when things don't go the way U think they should? 

Lets stop putting our thoughts into things and let God put his thoughts into them, and see where he will take you!!!!!

Start truly living and stop being a robot to the world.  Be different set apart in your thoughts for this is his desire is that you stand firm and ride on the wings of his eagles.!!!

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