Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ok so this I have been thinking about for many days now.  What to write in my next blog.  I have started to write some then I just didnt feel like I should publish them so I would just erase them.  I have learned it is best to not write or to speak when you are at a point of dis pare, frustration, anger, etc.  because what is sure to follow is something that is not Godly or out of the creators vocab.  At this point in my life I dont care what you think of me because I know that serving God is my main purpose before anything else. I just want to do his will.

So many things have happened the last couple months with our church and in my life that its Choas.  Thus the title of the blog.  It seems like I am mentally, physically, and just plain tired.  In that I have to realize that my mind has to be in the right place before anything will get accomplished.  I have to continue to persue God and read the bible and continually pray.  In not doing those things will I become useless in his kingdom. 

I encourage those who are weary in well doing to take a time out for God and to get back to the basics and remember he is our only source of strength.

Those who havent stepped up to help further the kingdom of God, I encourage you to take that step you have been waiting for now.  Get up off your couch of complacency and wake up and do he will. Start getting involved somewhere in the church.  There are so many places that despiratley need ministers to serve for Example the Nursery needs workers,(had to plug that one in since I am the Nursery Director,lol) Not just in the nursery, the children's ministries, alter teams, cleaning crews, greeters, security, parking, then list goes on and on.  There is a NEED for laborers in the house of God, no matter what church you go to they NEED you.

I am not sure why people stand back and watch the world go by BUT I for one want to make sure that when I pass this earth that I have done all that I could to further God's purpose.  Not my purpose but his.

I think that we are selfish and we continually ask why doesn't this person say hi to me, or why dont they notice me, or why dosent the church love me: seems like we are the ones with the problem not the church.  We are so worried about the tiny spec in someone's eye that we fail to see the big moat or thorn that we have in our own eyes.  Meaning we tend to look at everyone faults and not our own, which if we worked on our own faults first then we wouldn't have to worry about looking for any ones elses because we would be too busy with our own.

Why are we so judgmental on everything but our selves, do the rules apply to everyone else but not ourself?  Man this stuff is some good stuff.

We must renew our minds all the time in order to be in the will of God.  We must understand that we must be willing to accept people for who they are even if they hurt us or offended us.  We must realize that life sucks sometimes but its how we handle those moments that shows others what we are made of.

Renew our minds people and get right with the father so we can shine the light of Jesus to this lost and dying world.

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