Today I have been pondering and thinking about many different things, but something has stood out to me that I feel like I need to blog about. I don't know if people actually take the time to read my blog or care that I write one, but I know that there is a reason that I do. I guess that it is in hopes that someone will read it and God will speak something into their lives that they become more passionate and concerned for his name sake. I don't claim to be perfect or have all the answers but when I feel that God says do something I do it because if I dont I fear the reprecusions it will have on my life, so with all that said this what I feel I should blog. Please open your hearts and ask God what he wants to speak to you today or through you today.
If we are suppose to be like Christ because we wear the name christian then why do we continue to do what we please and when we please? I keep hearing the kid song, I am a C-H I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N and I have Christ in my heart.... so if we really have him in our heart and we really call our selves a christian and we are suppose to be like Christ then why are we not doing it?
Why do we make fun of others? Why do we say inappropriate things? Why do we act like God isnt watching or listening to our every action and thoughts? Why do we deny him like Peter did, through are continued disobiedience and our lack of respect for his name? Why do we scream we want change but dont make a stand when its time to make that change? Why do we let millions of babies die because we refuse to talk about hot button issues? Why do we only stand when everyone in the world is standing, why dont we sit then? Why do we think that it is only our issues that really matter, when everyone around us is dying on the inside, but we are too caught up in self to see it? Why do we continue in the sin that we were delivered from? Why do we allow movies, tv shows, music, etc with questionable meanings, content, language in to our homes around our children?
I am sure the list can be longer but at this point I feel so sicked, convicted by my own actions that I realize, the fact is we are too scared to be like him, we dont want to be like him or pay the price of being a christian. We are so consumed of selfishness that we dont see or hear anything but what we need,want,feel, etc. I fore one feel that this is the time to run after him with all we have, if it means raising banners to get his attention. I just want to be in the deep end of the river and let him take me where he pleases, cause everything will be alright when I am with him. I think that this is what he is saying to us:
"Wake up out of your deep self induced spiritual sleep. I want YOU, I desire a relationship with YOU. I will keep YOU, I will be the only one for you, It is I who can make the enemy flee with just the mention of my Name. Can't you see it ME, you have been looking for? For I am calling you. I am wanting you to come deeper with me. Accept me, receive me, desire me, long for me, stand for me, I will bless you beyond measure.
Come be my bride, bear my last name, for that is what I desire"