Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Made in his Image, so lets act like it!

ok so this is something that has been on my mind and heart and I feel that someone needs to hear this. Maybe its just for me but Ill share it and be open to receive it if its for you.

So if I feel I need to say something I usually do, so here this goes.

God is calling us to a higher place with him. thats what my last couple of blogs have been kinda centered around. so if God is calling us higher with him and we answer? What about those who don't answer that call but are still calling their self a christian but there is no evidence of change in their life. If they really and truly let God have control over their whole life and heart then you would see changed without people having to point them out. They change would come naturally.

So why is it that I hear people say I go to church or I am a christian but yet when I see them out around town or sometimes even at church I cant tell that they r what they claim to be. They where Jesus's last name like its something of non value. We through his name in the dirt and wonder where r blessing is? We dont love others unconditional but we make conditions on who we love. Evertime we make fun of, or post a pict of, or ignore someone in need, we spit, stomp, and slap Jesus in the face. we r placing those crown of thorns back into his head with every word that is intent to make fun of or laugh at someone else. Dont we see that he God the author of ALL life made EVERYONE in his own image. That means every race, color, nationality, big, medium, small, muslces, no muscles, hair, no hair, home, no home, pretty(by ur standards) non pretty: They are made in his own imgae, did he consult you when he created the earth? Dont think so.

We r distrepecting his name by our everyday actions, thoughts, & the words we speak. How sad this is that many christians dont get it? They dont see that Jesus wants to love them, have a relationship, walk beside them, carry them, and wants us to be used by him. But we cant see that he is right here calling us to a higher place with him higher up the mountain to become beacons to world. If u have ever seen Lord of the rings where they light the beacons and they shine for miles so the next beacon sees that it needs to be lit. WOW I want to be a beacon for his name, so he can be see through the darkest times and give hope to those who need it.

Im not sorry if this offends someone because I think we have all been an offense to Jesus as christians who dont walk the walk. What will it take for us to see before its too late that we need jesus we need his love acceptance and forgiveness every day, NO ONE is perfect but we are all made in HIS Perfect image. So lets choose today to make a change for real, lets choose to reflect the Imgae that we were meant to reflect, HIS! Lets choose to fully give him every area of our life not matter what it is. Let it be for real lord. Let us trully move higher in you. Forsaking everything, looks, money, friends, family, possessions, any hinderance lord, let us give it all to u and surrendor totally to your will before its too late and we come face to face at judgment.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Higher Calling

(Photo by Anna Garcia)

Matthew 16:24 "if any one desire to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow me"

"He knows your weaknesses, He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you!" ~Mother Theresa

The last few days have seemed to just flow together really well. Sunday I got a word from a friend that was confirmation for what my life is suppose to be, or who I am suppose to be. This person would have never know anything about me in that aspect so I know that it was from God.

So one thing that Pastor David has been talking about is that we are atmosphere changers. We choose how the day is going to be no matter the circumstances or situation! We choose!

Then wow danced and I do the big flag in the back. Something happens when you do big flags. Total surrender. Both services were amazing and God moved on many ladies in the group. It was awesome!

Then for practice on Mondays, we had our annual praise and worship set done by Pastor Curtis Bridgeman( This is an awesomely anointed family of God). Wow is all I got to say because everything that he spontaneously sang was exactly the types of things that God has been speaking over me, too me, through me, and showing me.
At one point I wrapped a billow over me and was sitting and I heard God speak to me, just fall back and lay in my arms, I hesitated for a minuite and then I heard him say are you scared that I wont catch you. Just let yourself Go and I will catch you! So I did and it was amazing to just sit in his harms and feel like he was holding you. Awesome to say the least!

Then we proceded to pray with everyone in a circle and Tammy asked for anyone to pray to Just step out and do it, and of course it was quiet but I felt the need to, but as I do that thoughts run through my mind, are people thinking oh not her again, or why does she always step out, why does she go first, but I started to speak and felt God so strong. Then afterwards tammy was praying in tounges really loud and I am almost sure that I heard God say this is what I want you to say and I was like I have to speak again, oh great people will really think I am just trying to take over and steal the show, I know this is what you want to say oh God but really me? I havent interpreted or gave words in quite a long while. so I said ok God Ill speak. So I spoke and it was amazing to be used of God, the words just came to my mouth and it was amazing. He was telling us that he is in the midst of us and that he was calling us and he asked where are you? I have called for you and you are not answering me? Where are you for I am here? It was simply God speaking to someone or all of us asking for us and we werent answering him. Wow! I dont know if anyone needed that or if anyone listened and really understood what God was asking them or even understood it was him that was asking for them, I really dont know, but I know thats what he wanted to say and if no one heard it then they cant say he never asked them or never spoke to them. It was awesome to know that you can be in the presence of God. wow!

All of that to say God is calling us higher, he has been calling us and so many people are not answering. He is in our midst asking for us and persuing us! He wants us to come higher with him so that we can be more effective. Are u not answering his call? He wants you to answer him!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I want to go deeper!

When u meet people do they see or feel that Jesus loves them? With out you saying or proclaiming that you are christian?

Do we radiate Jesus where ever we go? Do we think about Jesus in everything we do? Do we resemble him where ever we go and in whatever we do?

In every action we take does it bring glory to his name?

Does ever step we take leave his presence behind? Does the fragrance we let off smell of him?

I want him so much that I go deeper than medocracy, I dont just want him enough to be a little pleased for a short time. I want all of him, I want everything that he will give me and then some. Why do we have to sell our selves short of his glory, why cant we let it rain down on us till we cant take any more of it. I want to be so deep in him that people think I am a crazy idiot! because I am so in love with HIm.

I dont want to be mediocar with him, I want to be extreme in him. why find the middle ground when you can have the higher ground with him. Why only go half way up the mountain when you can go all the way up the mountain and receive his glory as moses did with the 10 commandments, Moses had to cover his face beause the glory of God was so strong on him that the people couldnt look on him. I believe that it was so power ful that people were scared and imature in their walk with christ that they couldnt fathom what had moses been doing.

I want to be deeper and I want to go stronger and I want to get more and more of him and all of him and not be dry any more. I want to be full and so full that I cant speak about things any more but just stand in the silence of his awesome glory.

Friday, August 7, 2009

What does your garden say about you?

What does your garden say about you?

Today I was taking some picts of some Sun flowers that I ventured to grow this year, and believe it for not these sun flowers are just simply amazing. Even though I am scared of the presence of the snake still in yard I still venture out to my garden always aware of my surroundings. Wondering if the snake is some where slithering in the grass awaiting to bite me. I believe that we you are in align with God's word he sends the neastest things our way. Today I was out in the garden and for one I have a stray cat that knows when I am out side and never fails to come and greet me. I feel God sent him as a guardin of the snake, but who knows.

Anyways I went to view my garden that is over ran with weeds, so I think the snake is really in there some where. I have jalpenos, tomatoes, cilantro, carrots, sunflowers, but being that my garden is full of weeds i cant see anything but the sunflowers because of their ability to grow to amazing heights and still stands strong. lots I could say on that, but Ill keep to my main point.

The point is that our life is like a garden, for a season it will flourish if we plant and sow in the spring, then it blossoms with flowers or fruit or vegtables, but if we dont do the work of the planting and sowing then there would be no garden to enjoy, meaning were would our blessing come from if we dont obey and plant,sow, and maintain our gardens. We must do those things inorder to enjoy the beauty of what came out of what worked on in the spring.

Yes then the harvest will come and you will be fulillied knowing the work you did in the spring paid off, that is so like our spiritual life and it amaizes me of how you can plant a seed and then life comes forth, and with feeding and watering and miracle grow you can see an even bigger harvest like never before.