Friday, March 26, 2010

This is my heart, this is my cry!!

Wondering if the words that I am about to speak will be heard by those who need to hear them?  But I feel like I need to share what I feel needs to be dealt with.

Here this goes and I pray that the words in my blog are what you want to be heard!

Lord, you know and see the hearts of your people.  Lord that you would reveal yourself and you would reveal the inner most struggles of each and every person reading my blog.  You see their hearts and you know what they choose to hind and never reveal.  Lord I pray that you would bring all the to the light and that you would show them that you know and see every feeling they have and you are the forgiver of everything.  Your love is endless.

Please let them see that every mask they have and every hiding dark spot in their life is brought to the surface and then cleansed by your precious blood and forgiveness.

Please let those who are Christians, those in high places, those who are the servants of your kingdom,  seek a deeper meaning of you.  That you can reveal the things that no one else can know.  Lord please show them who you are and help them to give up everything and lay it at your feet, never to pick it up again.  Lord you and only you can heal and guide and protect them.  Only you can take away the bitterness and pride they have.  Only you can heal the broken relationships and the past of your people.

Lord help them to see your face, to shine in your glory as Moses did on the mountain.  Lord help us to not be satisfied till we have you and till we realize that every part of us you already know and what we have in our hearts.  Help us not to hide in the darkness, behind all the masks of self righteous, pride, anger, bitterness, etc etc.  Help us to see that we are still men and women in need of a savior everyday. Lord revel you to us, reveal your love, reveal your mercy.

This is my heart this is my cry.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pupose placed Meetings

I was thinking about how we always complain God why r you not using me?  God I know that I am suppose to do this ministry so why am I not doing it? 

We are so focused on what we want to do, what are agenda makes time for that we forget that our focuse has to be on him the whole time.  We need to redirect our focus to the father and let our steps be God led lead.  No matter the path we take there is always a reason for it, for who we meet there is a purpose.  Its called being aware of others and what God is telling us to say to them.  Its not always a salvation need situation.  It maybe that we are suppose to smile and greet them with kind words.  For instance walmart cashiers on a busy day are just filled with tentions.  Sometimes its just us greeting them with a smile and saying thanks for your help today.  Have a great day!  Verbal affirmation can change the atmosphere in an instant.  That goes with negative verbal words too. 

Trusting God and being open to ministry opps no matter where we are is a step of faith.  Getting caught up in our day to day routines and life's trails and instances gets our focus off the father and what he has for us and for those we meet.  Everyday its important that we wake and say God Lead me and show me what it is I need to do today.  I feel every day is an assignment form him.  That we have divine appointments and opps to be witnesses for him,  By our actions, by the words we speak,  The things we say.

With all this said and I am sure that I can say more but God is just wanting us to be open to what he has for us and for opps to be his light in a strangers darkness. 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Prepare Ye the way

So while this is what I received this afternoon as I was praying and waiting on the Lord.  it flowed with no stoping.

Prepare ye the way for me.  I will come like a theif in the night. prepare ye the way for me. When you wake one will be taken and one will be left.   I am a strong tower which will devor every  enemy that is in the path of the righteous, your path.  Prepare ye the way.  Do not look to left or the right but look to the heavens, look to the light.  Take off the glasses of darkness, the glasses which block the light.  Let the light, let me penetrate your soul or will you fade like the flower fades at the end of spring.  Choose to up root and follow me, Follow me, Only me.  Listen only to me, Guard yourself & gerd up your selves witht eh full armor of God, the time for Battle has come, These days are numbered as my countdown has already begun Follow me, search me, yearn for me, watch for me, while doing so most importantly Share me, give yourself for me and cast away earthly possessions and wordly cares to reach others for me.  For my time is at hand, look to me!

This is something I feel like I was suppose to post that the Lord had given to me.  Hope this helps, motivates, and gives confirmation to someone waiting on the Lord.  The time is now lets share him with the world because time is drawing near.  Its about seeing souls come into the kingdom, these are the last days,  Find your God given way to reach the lost for the Lord. Its your time to reflect the light, reflect him all over the world.