Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I will play for you.

My mind has been filled with lots of thought and things lately. I have had many interesting moments where I do a lot of thinking.

Today is a very pivital or Big step for me. Here is a bit of a back ground. I have been playing my sax every Sunday and wed night ever since I was in the 8th grade. I played at the different churches I went to up until about 4 years ago, that is.

I know that this is gift that hes has given me because I never knew how to play the sax until I moved to ky in the 8th grade. I had some back ground in playing the violin which I started playing in the 4th grade. So music was in my blood. The funny thing is I don't listen to much music but I love to worship the father with all I have and especially with what he has gave to worship with. When I came to KY a couple of crazy things happened in my life and derailed me(pun intended if u know about the train accident that happened at my house in brooks) But when I came to New Vision I tried to get involved with music but for what ever reason it just didn't work out, I really feel it wasn't what he wanted me to do for that time. I started on the interpretive dance team WOW and was introduced to creative expressive dance through someone who had a passion to worship the Lord. I saw how to express my love, devotion, and creativity through dance and to know that GOd wants all of our praise, every bit of us, physically emotionally, spiritually and so on. Then I was asked to lead the Mime team and got an opportunity to minister in such an awesome way with my pastor, which brought a who new level of expression to me and my vocabulary of worship. Music, dance, mime, and who knows what will happen next. But God is continually showing me that worship is meant to be big, its meant to be all for him, Its meant to be creative. Its meant to be only to him. I am thankful for the people God has brought into my life each one of them means a great deal. I am sure that I am not a perfect person and that I have made some kind of mistakes along the way with them but in the end they are still in my life for a reason.

One thing I have learned is that worship has got to come from deep with in in order to be effective. U have to be able to sacrifice the things u want to do or be like in order to get to an abandoned place in worship with him. When KING David danced naked before everyone. He got lost in God. He danced with all his might, and didn't care that there would be scoffers, doubters, and those who would completely reject him even his wife. His love for worship started with him playing to his sheep with his harp. His music was anointed and came from deep love for God because it helped sooth the King Saul when his mind could find no peace. There is power in the music you here.

His passion started with playing music, then he became king and danced before the lord, he didn't care what others thought because his love for the Lord surpassed what they thought about him. If we didn't care what other think about us and we just worshiped with all we got and gave the praise due back the one who gave us our praise, how much more great would our praise be when we praised.

I have said all this to say. Today I am taking a step out to get back in the saddle of playing my saxophone in front of the church. Its something alot of people don't really know that I do. Buts its all a talent of God not mine I assure you. Its him prophetically flowing through me and he speaks to people when I obey him to play. I have been feeling like I should once again play for him. He is reminding me where I need to get back to in order to move forward. Sometimes we have to get a taste of why we praised like we did before because it reminds us of what we came out of and what he still wants us to be and where he wants us to go.

Tonight if u come to my church, yes I will be playing my sax but really its all him its all his doing and I am just opening my self up to take a step of faith and trust God that he will never lead me in the wrong direction.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rock me, Move me, show me, ME!

Ok so this has been on my mind lately. Been able to see a lot of things lately through God opening my eyes.

here are some observations:

God is moving and he is about to do some really awesome things in his church and through his people. (His church meaning the body of christ not one particular church). He is fixing to do a new thing in and among his people, but only will do what is allowed by us, meaning what we allow him to do in our lives. He wont do more than what we allow him to do in us. Whic
H if u think about it, thats scary. If we only give him half of us he will only give us half of him.

I dont know about you but i want break through. I want all of him and more. Sittin and watching people i feel drawn to help them, Jesus's compassion consumes me i want to reach out help those in need or just need to be noticed. I want to truly serve people as if they r Jesus(in deed he in the people). If we served others as if they were Jesus how would that change our level of serving wow. That's huge!!!

We are so caught up in our selfish wants and needs that we truly forget who are supplier, provider, peacemaker, healer, etc is.

We dont see he wants all of us. Every part of our being, our pain, our hurt, EVERYTHING about us he wants us to surrender. can we really do that when we think there is no benefit to us?

can we surrender everything to him, let him rock us, move us, show us, every deep part of our soul that needs helps. Are we willing to see what he wants to show us?

This is my observation for now, He wants us to violently seek him, meaning passionately no matter what is going on in our lives.

We are always still in need of a savior. I hope this has made u think deeper about ur life as is has me. We all mess up, we all make mistakes, we all get hurt, but God is right there waiting for us when we need to be.

God bless! Dios te bendiga!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mowin the grass & trimming the hedges

So today is mothers day and I decided that I couldn't put off mowing anymore. As I began to mow and trim the hedges, I began to realize that this is kinda of symbolic. God is awesome and he usues the little things to show me his will and what he is going to do in my life.

Anyways we have to be willing to do the work to trim our own spiritual hedges. In our spiritual lives we let many things get out of hand and grow outa control. Our minds eventually get cloudy, the weeds grow, the bushes overgrow and we wonder why we are where we are.

God is saying get out your spiritual hedge trimmers and trim your hedges. Mow down your field of weeds and vines that encompass your mind, they seek to squeeze your spiritual judgement and fulfillment. Clear out your gardens because there will be abundance coming and we need to make room.

Start trimming and make room cause something big is about to happen and breakthrough is just one hedge trimming away.