Monday, November 29, 2010

Fanitical Love!

So recently I have been hearing Christians say, we need to get back to the way church is suppose to be, or the way it use to be.  So this has been something I have been praying on, thinking about and asking God for the direction I should take.
Photographed by Me Anna Marie Garcia Photography

With this said if your reading my blog you either know me, stumbled up on my blog while searching for something else, or you just want to see if I have any juicy subjects to spill.  Well what ever the case my be I want to share this and I hope you see what I am saying and what has been on my heart.

God is Good all the time and all the time Good.  This is a saying I have heard over a million times in church and it becomes a clishe or another rituaita that gets passed on for generations.  If we were quicker to guard our mouths and reverence our words as though we were only rationed a few to speak a day, I think that we would put more thought into what Came of out our mouths and what we allowed in.

Soo with that thinking about the way church is suppose to be or needs to get back to or whatever term that has been used lately.

I look back to when John the baptist started baptizing people in the Jordan river.  I kinda think that was an out of the box idea.  He wasnt really affiliated with anyone other than Jesus.  He wasnt baptizing for an agenda or propaganda he was simply doing something that well others didnt think about.  For example the traditional way was be baptized in certain setting, or water dipped from a bowl(which there is nothing wrong that) or wearing a certain clothing.  John was simply spreading the Good news of Jesus and preparing the hearts and giving hope to those who were in their regular clothes, regular lives, and just regular people.  JOhn the baptist himself wasnt a well grommed man, he at locost and lived in the wild.  now today if there was a man down at the river baptising people who looked like John did, I think we would think he was a little fanitical.  Funny thing is soo did the people of Johns day, so did the traditional Church think that he was off his rocker just a tad.  They meaning the "churched" folk were so caught up in traditional things that they simply overlooked the very thing that they needed and that was change.

If you look at each disciple and the apostles you think that each one was a member of something that not many people were able to join.  I am sure they were looked on as a cult, or as some kind of fantastical running around causing trouble and creating disorder in the land.  Think of their boldness to walk up to blind and lame men only to heal them instantly,  Dont you think that would have been a little crazy, to witness and especially when in those days, things like that didnt happen until this Jesus guy showed.  I dont have a PHd or MD or even a degree in christian thinking or thought or anything. But I do see that church today still has the same meaning, same hang ups, same discord, same issues as the church back in the day did.  They want to run the show, they want to be in charge, you have to be this way to be here, if you disagree you are a fanitical and crazy,  you cause disruption, or This is how the church does this so this is how its going to be done.  Mind you I do understand rules and such, but when it becomes more about the laws and regulations and traditions than it does about the loving, merciful grace of God who sent Jesus his Son, Him in the flesh to walk the earth with us to be with us,  He desired us soo much that he took on our form and took beatings and mocking yet he still loved and forgave us.  WOW,  So what do we think about church getting back to its roots now.  its about getting back to being different, outside the box, non traditional all the time, and getting our hands dirty to reach out to those who need Jesus.  Not to be ashamed of the one who created us and wants our love and the bride that we are.  He wants us, he desires his people not a cliche of churchness and churched folk.  But hearts of people who long after his an desire him and follow where he leads no matter where he will lead.  Sometimes that means doing something differently than what ya been doing.  I wanna be a fanitic for you lord help me to be outside the box, standing for those who desperately need your touch. God Breathe your renewed life on me and create a fanatical love only you can give.