I am so amazed at my little fish from the New Vision Easter carnival. He is still living. I have even changed his bowl and have given him a proper home and through all the changes of his environment he is still alive. This little fish has given me inspiration and helped me to always side of side of life. Always strive to live even if your fish bowl is small.
You see he lived in a clear glass for several weeks because I though he would die before we got home. I did feed him but I just left him in this little glass and he adapted and over came. My son finally named him Dorothy and keeps saying when he dies we are going to flush him down the toilet. So needles to say this little was never given a chance to live. We wrote him off for dead before he turned belly up.
I think that some times we write ourselves or others off for dead. We just give up on our selves or others and we dont side on life. We say we are prolife but we write millions of babies that are starving all over the world for dead. We dont see that our neighbors and our families are stuggling and no one is listening. In these bad economic times we are so focused on our selves that we write everyone off for dead. Which means we just give up on them and dont help them get out of their small glasses into a better fish bowl.
This little fish was a gift from God. It may never know my name, but I know his. He may never talk to me or speak to me, but I speak to him. He may never thank me for cleaning his bowl but I thank God for him. For showing me that God dosent give up on the smallest of things. That no matter how small you are, or your situation is God still cares. No matter what God is going to take care of you and help you live. You really dont need all the stuff and things you thought you needed to survive. Just the basics and a will to survive. Dont be a stastic dont give into the negative times. Look up look to heavens, look past your cloudy fish bowl and rely on the father to bring you into clear waters.
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