This is something cool that God spoke to me as I was driving home from work the other night.
You see I have recently gone back to work and let me just say I am thankful for God provision and timing, with out this job coming right when it did I am just not sure where we would be.
We are currently trying to sell either one of our 2 houses. Yes some say its a good problem to have but in looking at it, not so sure that it is. First of all own 2 houses is advice that I would not give anyone to do. Sell your current one before you purchase a 2nd one. We are left with 2 mortgages and 2 utility payments. Can you say stressed, very stressed. This last past year 2010 was a whirl wind of emotions. Loss of a church that my family was 100 and ten percent dedicated to, loss of friends and acquaintances, loss of self, loss of trust and etc, Going back to work full time, putting my photography business slightly on hold, but still doing it on the side. Adjusting to being a mom, wife, full time employee, and everything else in between all those. So stressed that I longed for the touch, the presence, peace, and everlasting love of the fathers glance at me. I sought it out.
I happen to come across a womens meeting that Evangel was hosting where a awesome author of Every woman's battle, was going to be along with Justin Rizzo and worship leader from international House of Prayer. I went alone with no one.
As I sat and listened to the worship and began to feel something change inside of me, I knew that God was stirring something and becoming me to listen to the next few hours. As I listened and heard the messages brought forth, My love as the Bride of Christ began to unfold. I began to fall in love with Jesus all over again, I didnt have a church home, I was just waiting and listening and feeling his love wash over me. My heart still grieves for what could have been, I still remember and will never forget the good memories I have shared with some really great people.
In all this story of my life paragraphs I said it to say this.
I got off work and stepped outside to discover the ground, parking lot, and cars had be covered in snow in a matter of an hour or less. I was amazed because this was an unforeseen snow, no one was prepared and it showed on the way home. As I began to drive I could feel every bone in my body tighten up as I peeled my eyes to the road or what I thought was the road. As I began to drive I noticed that the city had obviously been unprepared and the roads were unsalted and uncleared. Sliding and slipping as I drove I finally made it to the watterson express way. Well let me say that usually 5 min drive on that express way, lasted way longer than it was suppose to. People had no direction, no since of surroundings, the lanes in the road were non visible, cars were guessing where they think they should be, It was a complete mess. Then it started snowing so hard that visibility was minimal and for a sec I thought I may never get home, lll freeze if I have to spend the night in my van, Little did I know that as I kept going despite what was blowing and churning around me. that I kept going, I never once looked back, I never once said, Im done, ok this is too impossible, I kept going, I gazed on his eyes and nothing else around me mattered any longer.
God said this is who you are and this is what I desire for my people. To be warriors, not giving up or in, even if you slip and slide keep holding tight to me even if its by a thread on the hem of my garment. My children I desire a dept of love so gazed on me that it dosent matter where you step or the path you walking, all that matters is that you are looking at me, through me, and wanting more of me.
Wow I am amazed every day at the insight he gives on every day situations, how he has a plan and purpose for everything. I am his bride and he is my beloved. I long to gaze upon the fired in his eyes, His name is Jesus!!
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