Monday, October 27, 2008

Leap of Faith

Wow I can believe that it is already Mikes first day at his new Job. Read my other blog about the story of getting this new job.

Today is our first day walking in the ridicolous miracle that God has given us. We have to be faithful and we must be always ready to give back to God what he is his and be ready as the increases come that we first thank him for his Goodness and his grace.

This is a big step of faith because his prior job was a very comfortable job that he had been at for several years and was a very stable job. Then you probably ask why would you start looking for another job if you are stable in this one. Well Mike and I decided that inorder to get your ridicolous miracle that sometimes God wants you to take steps to get there. He wants you to trust that he is guideing your every move and your every step.

Sometimes we can get comfortable where we are at and not realize that God has something much much much more than we ever expected. His old job was about comfort and was actually so comfortable that you can get lazy in the sense that you are not trying to improve and that you dont have anything to look forward to as far as promotions.

Mike is the type that will give his all at whatever he does, nothing less than the best from him. So even though he was doing the work that no one wanted to do and that no one was willing to do he did it with no complaints, he worked every holiday like thanksgiving and christmas eve and christmas day for the last several years because no one wanted to do those days. He is so dedicated to whatever he does. I admire him for that. I was really tired of seeing the fruits of his labor no go noticed, although God does notice them. But when it came time for raises, the raises did not reflect his work ethic and didnt not reflect all that he gave. He never really complained about that either. But among other things, Mike was drawing closer to God and everyone at his old company wasnt and none of them are christains and live like world. Sad to know that they all need Jesus. I am sure that Mike will always pray for them because that is our duty and maybe now they will come to church since mike dosent work with them. Who knows.

God is awesome is all that I know. In order for you to grow in your daily walk with the Lord you have to take leaps of Faith, you have to take those steps out of your comfort zones and break the velvet handcuffs that are so keeping us away from the things of God. We try to tell our selves that were not chained down because they feel some comfortable, but those hand cuffs are what is slowly destorying us.

Ok I can go on forever, so I will quit now. But God is awesome to take that Leap of faith that he is calling you to take. Just Take it.

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