So there has been several things going through my mind and this is what is going to come out. I feel that as christians we have to be accountable for every idle word, every idle thing we watch, every idle things we hear, I mean really? Vampires run ramped through holly wood, just saying as every one always says. Just saying is a way to put it out there and just say it. Dont kill the messenger. I mean really? what r we watching, what are we thinking. I am definitely not perfect and not one to point or judge or anything like that, but as for me and My household we will serve the Lord and if that means, not doing certain things or watching certain things, then that is what it is going to take. To strive to be like Jesus and not the world. NOT the world. I refuse to compromise my salvation or anointing or blessing so I can fit in or attract something that is not of God, Really what are we thinking? God never had to use Satan to reach Satanist. He just had to be Him. If we want to be surrounded by people of faith and people of integrity then we need to attract those kind of people. My Jesus is in comparable, there is NOTHing NO One that can COMPARE. If we try and compare something to him then we are way out of line. WAY out of it. Im just saying. Are we willing to walk such a fine line that we compromise our own call, just as Saul did. Are we willing to loose touch with the father and be distracted from what God is calling us to do? Are we willing to be silent in a world that thrives off the weak. Are government is set up to make the Christians disagree with each other so much that they become divided and become useless in the way of controversial issues. If we agree to disagree and become unified then we become one step closer to being heard and to potentially saving millions of babies lives for just one example of what unity can do. What does it cost to become so radical and sold out to Christ that our fellow Christians will mock and make fun of us. I mean really why do we not fear the one who made us from the dust of the earth, Who do we think we are to continue to not listen and do our own thing. God will withdrawal his hand on the anointed and the called if we continue to mock, not listen, and do our own thing. This is serious stuff Christians and if we don't listen up and become real and get down to the basics then we are going to fail miserably and its not going to be pretty. It could even come down to our won destruction and death if we don't get real and become serious in the things of GOD.
Seriously What are we thinking? Im just saying:)
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