Thursday, April 15, 2010

About my Dear friend Chilo~Are u willing?

Have u ever met someone that you considered a dear friend that you had a common interests that connected you to them, u knew that it was destiny that you met them? I am not talking about a person like your spouse or loved one.

The saying that you would be offended when you find out how much people dont think about u always helps me to get real with my self and realize the hype of getting all worked up trying to make others like you really do sent matter.

Well in the case of a dear Friend I met while on a Missions trip in Mexico I felt this way about this man. (Meaning from the first paragraph not the second) He was a older fellow and the first time I met him we were going into the red light district in Ciudad Juarez to share the love of Jesus. Handing out food, water, cool cool aid, candy to the drug addicts, Nice bags filled with lady products to the ladies of the Night, Bibles, and just sharing the love of Jesus in the most Reality of circumstances. His heart was one of beauty for ashes, real love for others, friendship, u felt he really cared about others. Definitely one I would consider as a kindred spirit, he was a model example of a heart for others. I didn't know him other than on several of my missions trips to Mexico and that he was always trying to do things for others whether it was buying turkeys at thanksgiving or given water to thirty. He was simple not complex, no suit or ties, just real like those he ministered to. He is one I will never forget and one that has changed me. Even when I still think about him I will never forget the experiences of really sharing Jesus in the reality of where people are at. He wasn't a leader who got to speak in front of millions of people but one who lead by love of Jesus. I will never forget how he had these key chains made in honor of our time together so we would never forget that experience. I still have mine to this day it had been on my keys since the day he gave it too me. Always a giver who was infectious and made me want to give more.

Today I learned that he had passed away while doing trying to help someone else, a while back. My heart sank knowing that he wouldn't be able share his great love with anybody else. But he paid the ultimate price and layed down his life with out hesitation I am sure. Once again my friend has gave me hope even after he is long gone. A martyr for Justice and a friend to lowest, and the love of Jesus he shared with many.

So when you meet someone never think that just because you meat them and now they are out of your life that they really ever leave a part of who you are. The things we do, trails we face, people we meet, and the life we lead all make us who we are.

Questions I have asked myself today. Am I willing to lay down my life to save someone elses? Am I will to see with Jesus's eyes? Am I willing to go where others are at to love them with a great love?

Am I willing? Are you willing?

RIP My Dear Friend Chilo
My heart is sad today as I know that no one will see your passion for the hurting and the lost anymore. But I know one thing and that is I pray that those you have touched will remember u just when they need the hope to survive.

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