For the record type of Blog.
I know that I am not perfect and I am a person in need of a savior every day of my life.
I have began to study, the different crazy, mind, blowing things that have taken place in the Bible. I was watching one of my favorite cartoons the other night about Moses. Yes Prince of Eqypt. My son begged to watch it in the van and all I could here was the audio. As I listened to the part where moses finds the burning bush when he went looking for the lost lamb and I hear moses question God and God comes back with his strength in instill faith and a reverance fear of him. He Reminded moses of what all he had done. Creation of the world. The part I hear is who made mans mouth did not I. Wow that Gets to me. As I will question why it is I do what I do. People may think, I am supporting a man, over looking sins because I want to be in his fan club, or what ever. But they are failing to see the point I am making and the point really is not for them to understand anyways. Bear with me as I explain. Through my studing through out the Bible recently I have seen where time and time again that God proved to do some really awesome and crazing things to help people understand what it was he was trying to convey. The real meaning of everything he is trying to get us to understand is his love for us. Every thing he has done and all the miracles are his way of showing how much he willing to do for his Bride, and his ultimate price was Giving Jesus to the world so that we would see a fleshly relevance to a spiritual world. How can wen understand the spiritual when we are not spiritually pure beings. we had to see it in the flesh and see what the love of the bridegroom feels like for his bride and the willingness to sacrifice his own life and love for us. I remember hearing a story of some hikers that were hiking in a snowy mountainous area and they got stuck on the side of a mountain and there was a man and a women newly weds I think. Inorder for the mans bride to be saved he had her lay on his body so she would not freeze to death which in turn took his life. Wow!!!! Such love, and yet there is one who have done this for all of us and yet we still dont see the point.
So as you look through time and time again at the children of Israel and their lives and all they have went through, and you see there were times that they didnt some pretty, blasphemous things, and also made idols time and time again and blatantly turned from God and YET He still extended grace and mercy and a everlasting love for his chosen.
That brings me to why I do what I do. If you critize or disagree with me then thats ok but what I do isnt for you. Its for those looking in from the outside scheme of things. Its for those I see at work who need to see that no matter what they feel like they have done, they can see that the Jesus I know will expend grace and mercy to them. I hope that those reading will see my point will see my understanding and see that I want those who need to know that I am not a Critical Christian, I am not going to beat a bible in their brains( which only makes for more hearden hearts). I want to see souls saved, changed and free from bondage, not put in the bondage of Religious Christianity and beats others down. You can say what you will or believe what you may, but as for me and my house where Gods go we go, and what God says do we do. Even if it means others dont understand or dont have a clue.
Today God called me by my name and said Anna, this is where I want you, for such a time as this, for a time to be a gap filler so that sinners will see a person and family that is willing to be uncomfortable and unresitricted and not bound by others so that I might be available to the others who will need a Christian that dosent look at the mess but looks at the heart and soul.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
So I have been working a week now, Im still in training and will be for a month or so, So I wont be able to really say yes I like this or not, but for now one point has driven home to me lately and this is what it is.
This is what you make of it. What you put in is what you get out.
This concept rings true to any area of our lives. Its kind of funny how if we pay attention enough we can find the most important things out of life its self.
Time: There is never enough time in day. We spend most of it working, watching tv or surfing the net or on facebook. Its just funny how life works. I worried that going to work I would be sooo afraid that I might loose my kids affection and I wouldnt be as motherly to them because I wasnt at home. In one week I find out that Ryder loves being with grandma and dom loves going to the Ymca. He actually begged to go back. The things we often fear the most are the things that we actually find can be rewarding and Very not what we expected. So Time is what you make of it. If you make it quality you get quality if you spend it meaning less what you get is well meaningless.
One morning while driving into work I felt the protection of God and closness that I have never felt before it was actually amazing to feel him as if he was sitting in the care right next to me. Simply amazing it what it was. In that time I feel that God sees me for me and he knows me and yet he still loves me. I havent given up on what I know God is trying to say to me. I havent given up on what I felt he was telling me to do and what he was saying. I am sooo at the point that I dont care what you think of me or any one else. I could care less. Why because God knows me and my intentions and my love for him is like none other. I am his bride and I am loving it.
Opportunities: Well they are what we make of them. We have oppurtunities that are right infront of us everyday of our lives, We see them but yet we dont see the fact that we are blind by our own selves to run with the doors that are opened to us. We can see them because we are focused on earthly things we are not focused on the bridegroom and his ways for our lives. We miss it and dont make nothing of it and still CRY why me. This is good.
Whether its your Job, your life, your family, your friends, your church, your city, your wallet,
Carpe diem sieze the day. Make the most of it, Make it your own, do your best and Put in with out wanting anything in return, do it as if Jesus was sitting right next to you. We are carriers of the GLORY when we are his Bride and if we dont take advantage and take hold of it then are boldness fades, we miss it and we dont ever expect something more for ours lives.
This is what you make of it. What you put in is what you get out.
This concept rings true to any area of our lives. Its kind of funny how if we pay attention enough we can find the most important things out of life its self.
Time: There is never enough time in day. We spend most of it working, watching tv or surfing the net or on facebook. Its just funny how life works. I worried that going to work I would be sooo afraid that I might loose my kids affection and I wouldnt be as motherly to them because I wasnt at home. In one week I find out that Ryder loves being with grandma and dom loves going to the Ymca. He actually begged to go back. The things we often fear the most are the things that we actually find can be rewarding and Very not what we expected. So Time is what you make of it. If you make it quality you get quality if you spend it meaning less what you get is well meaningless.
One morning while driving into work I felt the protection of God and closness that I have never felt before it was actually amazing to feel him as if he was sitting in the care right next to me. Simply amazing it what it was. In that time I feel that God sees me for me and he knows me and yet he still loves me. I havent given up on what I know God is trying to say to me. I havent given up on what I felt he was telling me to do and what he was saying. I am sooo at the point that I dont care what you think of me or any one else. I could care less. Why because God knows me and my intentions and my love for him is like none other. I am his bride and I am loving it.
Opportunities: Well they are what we make of them. We have oppurtunities that are right infront of us everyday of our lives, We see them but yet we dont see the fact that we are blind by our own selves to run with the doors that are opened to us. We can see them because we are focused on earthly things we are not focused on the bridegroom and his ways for our lives. We miss it and dont make nothing of it and still CRY why me. This is good.
Whether its your Job, your life, your family, your friends, your church, your city, your wallet,
Carpe diem sieze the day. Make the most of it, Make it your own, do your best and Put in with out wanting anything in return, do it as if Jesus was sitting right next to you. We are carriers of the GLORY when we are his Bride and if we dont take advantage and take hold of it then are boldness fades, we miss it and we dont ever expect something more for ours lives.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Willing ........
Ok ok ok, so here is a very important topic that has been swirling and swirling inside of me.
In light of recent events a passion has been growing inside of me like never before. I have often wondered what a church would look like with truly no walls, no limits, no boundaries. Now some of us need limits and boundaries but I am not talking about physical or emotional or laws or standards. I am speaking of the spiritual. No spiritual limits or boundaries. What would that look like. Now some of us will be quick to quote all the scriptures that in the view point of your situation may agree with you. But in order to look at what God is really saying we should really look at what the world was like at that time, what situation was the context written in and we actually will get what more of God's heart is saying. We can quote scriptures by them selves and thats good and all but sometimes we have to see what it was written and what it was written for.
So with that said.
I have often thought about spiritual limits and boundaries we put on our churches. We decide who gets to do this and that. We decide what happens pretty much. If we like you your in and if we dont then not so much. We argue about petty things, and when I mean THINGS I am talking about material possessions. Our focus gets way off God, which is where the devil wants us so he can surprise attack. while we argue about carpets, tiles, pews, seats, lighting, cameras, sound, childrens depts, teens, this and that, this and that, what has our focus become??? Just a question or thought.
Instead of classifying people into these are the bads ones or troubled ones, gay, lesbians, theifs, etc etc I could go on a on and on. We put people in a box, we think we are praying for them to be set free all the while we are chaining them up. If you go into help someone in need whether its homeless or whatever and you drive an expensive car or you walk up in 100 shoes or make up and jewelry what does that say about u. I mean we want to scream dont judge me but we have haughty attitudes, we have the crusaders mentalities. We act like that in a poor neighborhood God doesn't exist and we are bringing the light to them. When more times then not they have better attitudes and spiritual walks with God than we could ever dream of having. If you read the context of the proverbs and psalms the poor is mentioned many times and the majority it talks about God is with them and they are blessed.
Then this brings me to where our society talking mainly about Americans and we tend to serve Mammon rather than God, I am talking about money here. We dont realize that God has been replaced with our wants to prosper. yes God blesses us, but those blessings come in many different ways, for example Good friends, blessed womb of a barren woman, Children, grandparents, families. Etc etc. Knowing God's heart Money becomes sooo much more less and less. yes it would be nice to have believe me, but then where would our faith be? Where would our trust be? Materialistic is what we have become. We didnt realize that what we are actually serving is money. Ouch yes I know I might be stepping on your toes. If we feel God is leading us somewhere, then we dont have to beg and plead for the funds or the things we need. God will supply. Sometimes that supply might be in a job, or donation, or a money tree(prob not the tree) but whatever God chooses is a form of provision and blessings.
I want a place sooo bad it isnt funny but I also want to see those who are soo unloved, troubled, sick, hurting, dying spiritually to come to Jesus. I want a place that a man can walk in wearing a dress, carrying a purse, and wearing make up walk in to with out a glace of the righteous sending darting glares of unworthiness. Where they make the change because they were accepted in their present state but it was God who spoke to them and it was God breathed his life into their sleeping soul. This is a true story of a very dear friend of mine. If it wasnt for a place like that, I would not know this friend of the family. Countless stories of others who could walk into a place and just weep and not be questioned but it is really God who speaks to them and touches their hearts.
We have to start equaling out the playing field and let others see that they are just the same level and special to God as anyone else. You status on Earth has nothing to do with your status in heaven. That Goes for Preachers, teachers, evangelist, as well. We put people in high places only that when they fall we stomp on them like their mud sending back to where God made them from. Reality is the reason we are so hurt and disappointing in others is because we place a value on them that is really much more than we should. yes accountability should be great and leaders should lead with respect and integrity but when they have no accountability I mean those willing to tell someone as nathan did to david.
You may agree or not agree with me. you may feel like I am totally crazy. But remember it is God who gives us the choice to choose. The real question is will we distract someone, or others but the way we look at them, the way we talk to them, the things we do in general, we will portray humility or will our arrogance shine. Will we say look at what a Great Job we did to help the homeless when in reality many of us our one bad mistake or payment away from being with no home. That is just one example, it could be helping a old woman across the street, come to find out she didnt need our help and we where actually holding her back. Or we we see a drunk on the street and we cast a shame shadow instead of praying for them and realizing that there is way more to why they are like they are. We are all in need of a savior every day. humbleness, faithfulness, desire to want to know God more in our hearts, yearning to hear him and sit at his feet, yielded vessels, not consumed by things, but willing to be outside of the box, willing to accept people for their situations all the while realizing the situations we are in ourselves, willing to do... whatever it is that is asked , regardless of the nay Sayers and slanders, Willing....
In light of recent events a passion has been growing inside of me like never before. I have often wondered what a church would look like with truly no walls, no limits, no boundaries. Now some of us need limits and boundaries but I am not talking about physical or emotional or laws or standards. I am speaking of the spiritual. No spiritual limits or boundaries. What would that look like. Now some of us will be quick to quote all the scriptures that in the view point of your situation may agree with you. But in order to look at what God is really saying we should really look at what the world was like at that time, what situation was the context written in and we actually will get what more of God's heart is saying. We can quote scriptures by them selves and thats good and all but sometimes we have to see what it was written and what it was written for.
So with that said.
I have often thought about spiritual limits and boundaries we put on our churches. We decide who gets to do this and that. We decide what happens pretty much. If we like you your in and if we dont then not so much. We argue about petty things, and when I mean THINGS I am talking about material possessions. Our focus gets way off God, which is where the devil wants us so he can surprise attack. while we argue about carpets, tiles, pews, seats, lighting, cameras, sound, childrens depts, teens, this and that, this and that, what has our focus become??? Just a question or thought.
Instead of classifying people into these are the bads ones or troubled ones, gay, lesbians, theifs, etc etc I could go on a on and on. We put people in a box, we think we are praying for them to be set free all the while we are chaining them up. If you go into help someone in need whether its homeless or whatever and you drive an expensive car or you walk up in 100 shoes or make up and jewelry what does that say about u. I mean we want to scream dont judge me but we have haughty attitudes, we have the crusaders mentalities. We act like that in a poor neighborhood God doesn't exist and we are bringing the light to them. When more times then not they have better attitudes and spiritual walks with God than we could ever dream of having. If you read the context of the proverbs and psalms the poor is mentioned many times and the majority it talks about God is with them and they are blessed.
Then this brings me to where our society talking mainly about Americans and we tend to serve Mammon rather than God, I am talking about money here. We dont realize that God has been replaced with our wants to prosper. yes God blesses us, but those blessings come in many different ways, for example Good friends, blessed womb of a barren woman, Children, grandparents, families. Etc etc. Knowing God's heart Money becomes sooo much more less and less. yes it would be nice to have believe me, but then where would our faith be? Where would our trust be? Materialistic is what we have become. We didnt realize that what we are actually serving is money. Ouch yes I know I might be stepping on your toes. If we feel God is leading us somewhere, then we dont have to beg and plead for the funds or the things we need. God will supply. Sometimes that supply might be in a job, or donation, or a money tree(prob not the tree) but whatever God chooses is a form of provision and blessings.
I want a place sooo bad it isnt funny but I also want to see those who are soo unloved, troubled, sick, hurting, dying spiritually to come to Jesus. I want a place that a man can walk in wearing a dress, carrying a purse, and wearing make up walk in to with out a glace of the righteous sending darting glares of unworthiness. Where they make the change because they were accepted in their present state but it was God who spoke to them and it was God breathed his life into their sleeping soul. This is a true story of a very dear friend of mine. If it wasnt for a place like that, I would not know this friend of the family. Countless stories of others who could walk into a place and just weep and not be questioned but it is really God who speaks to them and touches their hearts.
We have to start equaling out the playing field and let others see that they are just the same level and special to God as anyone else. You status on Earth has nothing to do with your status in heaven. That Goes for Preachers, teachers, evangelist, as well. We put people in high places only that when they fall we stomp on them like their mud sending back to where God made them from. Reality is the reason we are so hurt and disappointing in others is because we place a value on them that is really much more than we should. yes accountability should be great and leaders should lead with respect and integrity but when they have no accountability I mean those willing to tell someone as nathan did to david.
You may agree or not agree with me. you may feel like I am totally crazy. But remember it is God who gives us the choice to choose. The real question is will we distract someone, or others but the way we look at them, the way we talk to them, the things we do in general, we will portray humility or will our arrogance shine. Will we say look at what a Great Job we did to help the homeless when in reality many of us our one bad mistake or payment away from being with no home. That is just one example, it could be helping a old woman across the street, come to find out she didnt need our help and we where actually holding her back. Or we we see a drunk on the street and we cast a shame shadow instead of praying for them and realizing that there is way more to why they are like they are. We are all in need of a savior every day. humbleness, faithfulness, desire to want to know God more in our hearts, yearning to hear him and sit at his feet, yielded vessels, not consumed by things, but willing to be outside of the box, willing to accept people for their situations all the while realizing the situations we are in ourselves, willing to do... whatever it is that is asked , regardless of the nay Sayers and slanders, Willing....
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