Tuesday, September 30, 2008

When will I get Mine?

When will I get mine? Has been going on over and over in my mind. When will I get my miracle? The next 70 days will be ridicoulous miracles in our church, which was given by an evangelist that came. Its day 10 and there have been some pretty crazy testimonies given so far, so I keep thinking when will mine come.

Well I kinda think that we as humans tend to forget that we all are ridiculous miracles, God sent his son to die for us, when God could have taken us out a long time ago and started over, but he didn't. He wanted a type of people that would choose him no matter what, a sold out type of people. With out God we are pretty ridiculous creatures. Think about it, we are selfish, we want what feels good, and we what to do our own thing, and to God that is ridiculous.

So I am a ridiculous miracle that is still in need of help every day. So while I do believe that I am going to get a ridiculous blessing or a miracle. I realize that there is also one already taking place. ME:)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

There is Power in the name of Jesus!

I found this really touching or inspiring when you think about everything negative that goes with myspace.

I put one day on my status updates that Jesus is the Answer!

Well a person that I have as a friend wrote on his Jesus is NOT the Answer!

Well to say the least about this person, they claim atheism and try to get Christians riled up, but out side that I feel that are just a wounded and broken soul that needs Jesus desperate. If you are the person I am talking about know that Jesus loves you and he will never leave you or forsake you and not matter what you have done in your life he will forgive you. He is calling out to you and wants you to serve him so that he can do greater things through you that you have never imagined:)

Anyways My space deleted the comment and when they asked them why Mysapce said that they just couldn't have a comment like that or something to that effect.

I was in a state of Awe because there is Power in the name of Jesus and he will not be mocked. I smiled and laughed because He will defend his own cause. Demons and darkens tremble and flee at the sound of his name. That just sounded kinda ridiculous to me, because who would have thought that myspace would do that:)

God is awesome!
God is awesome, it was first want to start off saying. I know that he is real and the he loves each of us.

At church last Sunday a visiting evangelist came and declared that the next 70 days were going to be ridiculous miracles that are going to happen in the church or too people in the church. There was a lady that was healed from her hurting neck. There was a man that said there was no more cancer when the Doctor went and did another cat scan. Amazing stuff.

So I began to think about ok God if something is going to change in my life what is it going to be. I am starting to get impatient and say I want it now. I need a change in our finances in my business I need something to change. So I am expecting God to do something so amazing in my families life and it will bring many to know Jesus.

I have a couple of friends that are real consertative christians, they dont think you can talk in tounges and people that do it are just making it up and that they just get worked up, I told them that I can speak in tounges at anytime, and that I can control it. They didnt understand how you can say something that you dont understand, and I said exactly no one understands it or its call believeing and trusting God. To the human it sounds ridicoulous dosent it, but when you see it with the spirit then you know its real.

There are those who have desired to speak in tournges and to receive God gifts on their life and I feel that God is fixing to answer their desires and their longings. Its sounds ridicoulous to the human mind, but its going to be great:)

I know it, its going to be awesome:) Tomorrow about this time.........somethings gonna change:)

PS I didnt win the lottery, actually no one did this time, but I guess that wasnt my ridicoulus miracle, lol:)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Trip to Nashville

We left last Thursday night and headed down to Nashville, Tn for a Dance conference By Lynn Hayden. She is a wonderful and talent women of God that has lead dance teams and done dance for many of years. Its awesome to see her. She brings the Holy spirit with her and is moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God is really using her. One thing that she teaches or demonstrates is prophetic dance. Which is speaking in to some ones life through dance, it is awesome and like wow. She dance Prophetically over me several times and I felt the holy spirit and was moved deeply as I wept in front of a whole lot of people. It lasted Friday and Saturday and was so exhausting at times but to be in a place away from your regular cares of the world was moving. One thing she did was called breakthrough and you all get a partner and stand in a huge line and hold hands and then people started running through the line and breaking the hands as they run through. This represents breaking all the problems and junk and yuck that you have in your life. When it was my time to run, something in me started to break and when I looked down the long line to start breaking through I couldn't at first I started to cry of course, and when I started to run it was as if I was taking flight and weights were being broken and lifted, it was an amazing feeling to say the least, powerful.

There were many teachings on different types of dance and dance team related issues that were gone over. One night she did a prophetic dance called about Hiding place and it was really awesome.

We went with 8 of the ladies out of our group and getting to know each of them and see them touched was truly amazing. Each one of the them would make you laugh at different times it was really funny:)

Then Sunday night we got to ministry at a Baptist church and it was awesome. The atmosphere was so charged with acceptance and the Holy Ghost that I wondered if it was a baptist church, the people were baptist the church was baptist but the Holy Ghost was there. The pastors wife came in to our room before we started and when she left she said I feel the Holy Ghost in here. Then when we did our first song it was like wow Im feeling it. I played the sax to them doing some flags to Light the fire song, it was intense and tiring, then we did our other songs and some of our group gave testimonies and some sang and the whole thing was the most awesome experience and it showed Gods love, mercy, forgiveness, peace and that he in the worship of him. It was awesome!!

Well as I put on my Twitter messages God moved in a special way for one person in our group that night. There leg had been hurting all day and she could not stand on it all day and was struggling and struggling all day, Well when she went to do her dance I felt in my spirit that she was healed and then she started leaping and jumping for joy it was like wow, God just healed her. It was amazing and such a beautiful thing. God is so great and he is wonderful. We were all in shock and awe of what God plans our for our lives, here we thought that we were going to go to this conference and be touched so much and then the very thing that touched us was us ministering to a group of people that needed to be ministered too. It was a high Awesome!!!!!!! Yeah I am so happy:)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The trip

We finally got down here to nashville, that was a long trip, seemed like it took forever and ever. craziness. The women are really funny and each have their own personalities. god is going to do some great things tomorrow and I can wait for the conference to really get started. Its gonna start tomorrow and hopefully we will be ready to get going in the morning. God bless and we will get more info tomorrow about the conference when we get back to the hotel.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I stink, You stink, we all stink :)

I have learned one thing is that I am a stinking human who is in constant need of a savior. NO ONE is perfect and if you think that you don't stink then let me tell you, you do. But that's OK I know someone that will make you smell very good.

I try to love everyone, but its hard and I choose to do it, but I am a failure at that too. But just think of the sweet smell of the holy spirit that would be sent forth when we choose to contain our anger and our unwholesome and non worthy blabbing. Talking, bragging, boasting, is something that people get tired of hearing. Belive me I hear it and I think wow I hope that I dont do that, so I try (sometimes fail at it) not to do that. I found in life that Observing is the best way to be, you dont anything, you just let everyone else say all the unnecessary things and then bam thats it, You only speak if you feel that Holy spirit guiding you to speak.

Reading the love chapter 1 Corinthians 13 over and over, and the scripture that says a soft answer turns away wrath is pricless.

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Psalms 15:1

Live by this and people will either be touched or get even more mad, is what I found. So when I really want to let someone have it, the best thing is to not give into that anger.

I have heard about Karma and that what Goes around comes around, to tell you the truth I think that was made up by someone who is angry and bitter and what jurt by someone and wanted to see them fall and they took in that persons heart ache. I dont like to see it when someone gets hurt or falls, or is having a rough time, I dont, even if they may deserve it.

Here is a great story one for the books on this topic:

To say the least I was in a bad relationship when I was young, with this guy who physically abused and verbally hurt me, I was really a mess. well that lasted for 2 years when one day God brought me back to him. (High School is when all that happened) well It was a couple of weeks before prom and everyone was getting all in a tizzy about who they were taking, what they were wearing, and well that guy who was such a jerk to me was working on his car one day on the side of the road when his raidator blew up right in his face, messed his skin all up, it looked really bad. I couldnt beleive what I had heard and someone said to me dosent that make you feel good after how he treated you, my flesh wanted to say yes yes yes yes, but I knew that I should not deliet in someone elses pain, it just didnt seem right. yeah he was bad and hurtful and took me a while to get over it. But it is not my place to wish revenge on someone. ... Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19. I feel that anything that would do would be more than I could to do someone anyway, but why live with hate, malice, anger, bitterness, and all that ulgy stuff, it will eat at you and eat at you till it destroys you.

Those are my thoughts for today, I cant wait till practice tonight for the wings of worship I think that it is going to be awesome.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Here is a thought!

In order to be truly free and move in God, we have to begin to accept our selves for who God made us to be. we are all different shapes and sizes and there is no right size. It doesn't matter what people think because God is the one who made us, every fiber of our being he made and he is our Creator. When someone says negative things about us they are talking about God, because we are his image. So they better watch out. That is just a thought that I was having this morning:)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Give him our all

So i have been studying some and reading different books about mimeing and some devotionals about using our bodies to please God.

So here are some thoughts about praising and worship God.

He made us and formed us so why not trust him to do his thing with us.

We should use our body, soul, and spirit to give him our whole being, everything we got. We should give it back to him. With out the sacrifice of Jesus his only begotten son, the ultimate show of love, there would be nothing.

Psalms 138:1-I will praise thee with my whole heart...

Psalms 9:1- I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

2 Corinthians 10:5-casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
(when we obey God and don't give into the wrong thoughts then we are worshiping God)

We need to praise, honor, obey, and exhaust him so our appetites will be after him and the things of him and that we will come to a place that we cannot get enough of what he has done for us.

Moving in God and the things of God is his will and not our own, when we are prideful we are selfish, and when we are woe is me and pitiful acting we are selfish because we are stuck on our selves. we should be paying attention to the things of God and he will and he is way not our own.

Those are some random thoughts and things that I have been studying about. I could preach on this stuff. God is awesome and he is the creator and maker of all things, The Author of life is what I like to say. He writes that pages in my book, he is the director of my movie. Ok I could go on but I am not. God Bless all.