I have learned one thing is that I am a stinking human who is in constant need of a savior. NO ONE is perfect and if you think that you don't stink then let me tell you, you do. But that's OK I know someone that will make you smell very good.
I try to love everyone, but its hard and I choose to do it, but I am a failure at that too. But just think of the sweet smell of the holy spirit that would be sent forth when we choose to contain our anger and our unwholesome and non worthy blabbing. Talking, bragging, boasting, is something that people get tired of hearing. Belive me I hear it and I think wow I hope that I dont do that, so I try (sometimes fail at it) not to do that. I found in life that Observing is the best way to be, you dont anything, you just let everyone else say all the unnecessary things and then bam thats it, You only speak if you feel that Holy spirit guiding you to speak.
Reading the love chapter 1 Corinthians 13 over and over, and the scripture that says a soft answer turns away wrath is pricless.
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Psalms 15:1
Live by this and people will either be touched or get even more mad, is what I found. So when I really want to let someone have it, the best thing is to not give into that anger.
I have heard about Karma and that what Goes around comes around, to tell you the truth I think that was made up by someone who is angry and bitter and what jurt by someone and wanted to see them fall and they took in that persons heart ache. I dont like to see it when someone gets hurt or falls, or is having a rough time, I dont, even if they may deserve it.
Here is a great story one for the books on this topic:
To say the least I was in a bad relationship when I was young, with this guy who physically abused and verbally hurt me, I was really a mess. well that lasted for 2 years when one day God brought me back to him. (High School is when all that happened) well It was a couple of weeks before prom and everyone was getting all in a tizzy about who they were taking, what they were wearing, and well that guy who was such a jerk to me was working on his car one day on the side of the road when his raidator blew up right in his face, messed his skin all up, it looked really bad. I couldnt beleive what I had heard and someone said to me dosent that make you feel good after how he treated you, my flesh wanted to say yes yes yes yes, but I knew that I should not deliet in someone elses pain, it just didnt seem right. yeah he was bad and hurtful and took me a while to get over it. But it is not my place to wish revenge on someone. ... Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19. I feel that anything that would do would be more than I could to do someone anyway, but why live with hate, malice, anger, bitterness, and all that ulgy stuff, it will eat at you and eat at you till it destroys you.
Those are my thoughts for today, I cant wait till practice tonight for the wings of worship I think that it is going to be awesome.
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