Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Give him our all

So i have been studying some and reading different books about mimeing and some devotionals about using our bodies to please God.

So here are some thoughts about praising and worship God.

He made us and formed us so why not trust him to do his thing with us.

We should use our body, soul, and spirit to give him our whole being, everything we got. We should give it back to him. With out the sacrifice of Jesus his only begotten son, the ultimate show of love, there would be nothing.

Psalms 138:1-I will praise thee with my whole heart...

Psalms 9:1- I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

2 Corinthians 10:5-casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
(when we obey God and don't give into the wrong thoughts then we are worshiping God)

We need to praise, honor, obey, and exhaust him so our appetites will be after him and the things of him and that we will come to a place that we cannot get enough of what he has done for us.

Moving in God and the things of God is his will and not our own, when we are prideful we are selfish, and when we are woe is me and pitiful acting we are selfish because we are stuck on our selves. we should be paying attention to the things of God and he will and he is way not our own.

Those are some random thoughts and things that I have been studying about. I could preach on this stuff. God is awesome and he is the creator and maker of all things, The Author of life is what I like to say. He writes that pages in my book, he is the director of my movie. Ok I could go on but I am not. God Bless all.

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