Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today is a Very Sad Day

To say the least this has been a very sad day. My very good friend in the Lord who is on the dance team at church was in a car accident and her mother died in the wreck. Watching all the news and stories in the paper just breaks my heart. Laying in the hospital alone when I arrive was Bo. My heart raced and sank all at the same time. I was so sad when I went up to her she told me that her mom had died in the wreck and I just couldn't believe it. I stayed and comforted for a little bit and then left the room because my heart broke for her. I have nothing to give a good friend but my time and my prayers and maybe those are the most important things.

Now it seems that nothing else really matters. All the little things that get us upset or the regular routines that come our way. Just to seem not to matter anymore. I ask my self what is the purpose of live if not to just live. Then I ask God the purpose of our lives. My conclusion is that it is to serve him and to do whatever it is that needs to be done, no matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice, no matter what gets in your way, or what someone thinks. At the end of the day it is what you did for God and unto God that will echo in eternity. Its what we do now that determines our eternity and what will ring once we are there.

My prayers and thoughts are with Bo and all those who knew her Mom and all those who are their friends. I am so glad that Bo is still with us, I praise God that she is still alive.

Its a sad day but I must rejoice for Bo's life. He has got good plans for her.
Nothing else matters except what will echo in eternity:)

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